
The Clear Choice for a Straighter Smile

Forget metal mouth and embrace the revolution of discreet dentistry! Invisalign, the champion of clear aligners, isn't just about hiding your smile; it's about unlocking a hidden universe of confidence, convenience, and cutting-edge technology.

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Invisalign treatment in Leeds


For adults tired of the social stigma attached to traditional braces, Invisalign offers a liberating invisibility cloak. Imagine attending meetings, nailing job interviews, or even popping on a date, all while your teeth subtly shift towards perfection, hidden beneath a shield of transparency.

Oral Health

Invisalign's impact transcends aesthetics. Straight teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Improved bite alignment can alleviate jaw pain and headaches, boosting your overall well-being. For those with sleep apnea, studies suggest Invisalign can even improve breathing patterns.

Our technology

Forget messy dental molds! We use the revolutionary 3-Shape Trios Digits Scanner to capture a detailed 3D image of your teeth for your Invisalign treatment. This technology means our skilled orthodontists can create even more accurate treatment plans, leading to a faster, more comfortable smile journey for you.

About our Invisalign procedure

About our Invisalign procedure

Invisalign has become a popular choice for adults and teens seeking to straighten their teeth without the drawbacks of traditional metal braces. But what exactly does the Invisalign procedure involve? Let's take a step-by-step look at the process, from your initial consultation to your final retainer.

Consultation and Evaluation – Your journey begins with a consultation with an Invisalign-trained dentist or orthodontist. They will discuss your goals, examine your teeth, and take X-rays and digital scans to create a 3D model of your mouth. This information will be used to determine if Invisalign is right for you and to create your personalised treatment plan.

Treatment Planning and Aligner Creation – Once you've decided to move forward with Invisalign, your dentist will develop a detailed treatment plan that outlines the specific movements your teeth will undergo. This plan is then sent to Invisalign, where your custom-made aligners are created using advanced 3D printing technology.

Getting Started with Invisalign – When your first set of aligners arrives, your dentist will ensure they fit properly and instruct you on how to wear and care for them. Each aligner is typically worn for two weeks before moving on to the next one in the series.

Wearing Your Aligners -  You'll need to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day, removing them only for eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth. It's important to stick to the recommended wear time to ensure your treatment stays on track.

Regular Checkups and Progress Monitoring -  You'll typically see your dentist every 4-6 weeks for checkups. During these appointments, your dentist will monitor your progress, make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan, and provide you with new aligners.

Refinement Stage -  Once you've completed your initial series of aligners, you may need additional refinement aligners to fine-tune your smile. These aligners are typically made with slightly thicker material and are used to address any minor remaining imperfections.

How does Invisalign work?

The Power of Gentle Pressure - Unlike traditional braces that use brackets and wires to physically pull teeth into place, Invisalign relies on a series of custom-made, clear plastic aligners. These aligners are designed to fit snugly over your teeth and apply gentle, controlled pressure to gradually move them into their desired positions.

A Precisely Planned Journey - Your Invisalign journey begins with a consultation with an Invisalign-trained dentist or orthodontist. They will take X-rays and digital scans of your teeth to create a 3D model of your mouth. This model is then used to plan your entire treatment, including the exact movements each aligner will make.

A Series of Guided Steps - Once your treatment plan is finalized, Invisalign creates a series of custom aligners based on the 3D model. You'll typically wear each aligner for two weeks before moving on to the next one in the series. As you progress through the series, the aligners will gradually adjust, applying pressure to different parts of your teeth to guide them into their final positions.

The Science Behind the Smile

The gentle pressure applied by the aligners triggers a natural biological process called bone remodeling. This process involves the breakdown and rebuilding of bone around your teeth, allowing them to move through the jawbone and into their new positions.

One of the biggest advantages of Invisalign is its discretion. The clear aligners are virtually invisible, so you can straighten your teeth without anyone noticing. They're also much more comfortable than traditional braces, as they don't irritate your gums or cheeks.

How does Invisalign work?

Different kinds of Invisalign treatment

Invisalign has revolutionized teeth-straightening with its invisible aligners. But did you know there's not just one type of Invisalign treatment?

This clear aligner world holds a diverse spectrum of options tailored to various dental needs and lifestyles. Let's embark on a journey to decode the different kinds of Invisalign treatments and find the perfect fit for your dazzling smile.

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  •  Invisalign Express

    Invisalign Express

    This speedy treatment targets minor tooth misalignment and spacing issues, delivering noticeable results in just 3-6 months. Think of it as a quick tune-up for your teeth, ideal for those who want a confidence boost without a long-term commitment.

  •  Invisalign i7: The 7-Step Wonder

    Invisalign i7: The 7-Step Wonder

    For those who crave lightning-fast results, Invisalign i7 swoops in like a superhero. This treatment uses just 7 sets of aligners to address minor cosmetic concerns like gaps and slightly crooked teeth.

  •  Invisalign Lite

    Invisalign Lite

    Invisalign Lite strikes the perfect balance between speed and complexity. It tackles moderate tooth misalignment issues within 6-12 months, offering quicker results than Invisalign Full while addressing more intricate concerns than Invisalign Express.

How Invisalign can help

With its diverse range of treatment options, Invisalign caters to virtually everyone. Whether you're a busy professional seeking a quick fix, a teenager on the cusp of adulthood, or simply someone longing for a confidence boost, there's an Invisalign treatment waiting to transform your smile. Consult your dentist today to embark on your personalized journey towards a straighter, healthier, and happier you!

Invisalign Crowding and Spacing

Crowding and Spacing

One of the most common problems Invisalign tackles is crowded teeth. When teeth don't have enough space to erupt properly, they can become crowded and misaligned, making them difficult to clean and floss. This can lead to cavities, gum disease, and even bad breath.

Invisalign Gaps and Spacing

Gaps and Spacing

Gaps and spacing between teeth can also be unsightly and impact oral health. Food particles can easily get trapped in the gaps, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Invisalign can effectively close these gaps by gently moving teeth closer together, resulting in a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Invisalign Bite Problems

Bite Problems

Misaligned bites, such as overbites, underbites, and crossbites, can cause a variety of problems, including jaw pain, headaches, and difficulty chewing. Invisalign can gradually adjust the position of your teeth to correct these bite issues, improving not just your appearance, but also your oral health and comfort.

Invisalign Open Bites

Open Bites

An open bite occurs when the front teeth don't touch when the mouth is closed. This can make it difficult to speak and chew properly. Invisalign can effectively close an open bite by moving the upper and lower front teeth closer together, restoring proper function and aesthetics.

Invisalign Protruding Teeth

Protruding Teeth

Protruding teeth can be more susceptible to damage and can also impact self-confidence. Invisalign can gently reposition protruding teeth, bringing them back into line with the rest of your smile, enhancing both your dental health and self-esteem.

Invisalign Rotated Teeth

Rotated Teeth

Teeth that are rotated or twisted can make your smile appear uneven and can also be difficult to clean properly. Invisalign can effectively rotate teeth into their proper positions, creating a more aesthetically pleasing and functionally optimal smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Invisalign® right for me?

Deciding whether Invisalign is the right way to achieve your dream smile can be a confusing journey. While countless articles proclaim its benefits, you're left wondering

A Personalized Perspective Deciding whether Invisalign is the right way to achieve your dream smile can be a confusing journey. While countless articles proclaim its benefits, you're left wondering: Will it actually work for your specific teeth and lifestyle?

Instead of generic pros and cons, let's explore this decision through a personalized lens.

Invisalign isn't a one-size-fits-all solution

Be transparent about your concerns and expectations. Open communication with your dentist is key.Don't be afraid to ask questions. Understanding the process empowers you to make informed decisions.Beyond the "Is Invisalign right for me?" question, lies a personalized journey towards a confident smile. Take the time to understand your dental story, assess your lifestyle, and seek expert guidance. With the right information and the right team, you can confidently choose the path that leads to the smile you've always desired.

How long will Treament take?

The time it takes for Invisalign treatment to work its magic depends on several factors, making it difficult to give a one-size-fits-all answer. However, I can provide you with some helpful insights to estimate the timeframe for your specific case:

Factors influencing treatment duration:

Severity of misalignment:
Mild cases might see results in as little as 3-6 months, while more complex issues could take 12-18 months or longer.

Treatment type: Different Invisalign options cater to varying degrees of correction. Express options target minor concerns and might be quicker, while Comprehensive plans tackle more significant problems and require more time.

Bone density: Teeth move faster in softer bone, influencing treatment pace.
Compliance: Wearing your aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours per day is crucial for progress. Consistent use translates to faster results.

Here's a general range to give you an idea:

Mild cases:
3-6 months
Moderate cases: 9-12 months
Complex cases: 12-18 months or longer

What are Invisible braces?

Invisalign is always improving, and we can now treat more misalignments than ever before. If you’re only looking to make a small improvement to your smile, you might be suitable for Invisalign Express.

Invisalign® vs fixed braces

Both Invisalign and fixed braces have their own unique set of advantages and disadvantages, making it difficult to declare one as definitively "better." The best choice ultimately depends on your individual needs and preferences. Here's a breakdown to help you compare and choose:


Virtually invisible aligners make them ideal for those who are self-conscious about wearing braces.
Comfortable: No metal brackets or wires means less irritation and discomfort.
Removable: You can take them out for eating, drinking, and brushing, making for easier oral hygiene.
Flexible: Adjusts to your lifestyle, allowing for special occasions or travel.
Faster treatment: May be quicker for certain mild to moderate cases compared to fixed braces.

Generally more expensive than traditional braces.
Compliance: Requires dedicated wear for 20-22 hours a day for optimal results. Non-compliance can significantly extend treatment time.
Not suitable for all cases: May not be effective for complex misalignments or severe bite problems.
Risk of losing aligners: Requires careful handling and replacement if lost.

Fixed Braces:
Effective for complex cases:
Can handle more severe misalignments and bite problems than Invisalign.
More affordable: Generally less expensive than Invisalign.
No compliance concerns: Braces are always working, regardless of your eating or brushing habits.
Durable: No risk of losing or damaging them.

Metal brackets and wires are noticeable, which might be a concern for some.
Less comfortable: Can cause initial discomfort and irritation due to brackets and wires.
Dietary restrictions: Certain foods may need to be avoided to prevent damage to the braces.
Regular adjustments: Requires frequent visits to the dentist for tightening and adjustments.
Here are some additional factors to consider:
Your age and lifestyle:
Invisalign might be more convenient for busy professionals or teenagers, while braces might be more suitable for younger children who need constant correction.
Your budget: Invisalign is typically more expensive than fixed braces.
Your oral hygiene: Good oral hygiene is crucial for both treatments, but it's easier to maintain with removable aligners.

Ultimately, the best way to determine which treatment is right for you is to

Is Invisalign painful?

Unlike the metal marvels of traditional braces, Invisalign works its magic through a series of clear, custom-made trays. These gently nudge your teeth into their ideal positions, a bit like a sculptor meticulously chiseling away at a masterpiece. This gradual approach minimizes the force applied, leading to less jarring pain compared to braces. As your teeth adjust to their new choreography, you might experience some temporary discomfort, especially when switching to a new aligner tray. Think of it as your teeth protesting this shift in their cosmic dance. This pressure or soreness usually peaks within the first few days and fades away as your mouth gets accustomed to the new alignment.

How much does Invisalign cost?

The cost of Invisalign is a unique puzzle with many pieces. While complexity, location, and insurance play a role, the true value lies in the transformation it offers. So, while the price tag might seem daunting at first, remember the long-term benefits and explore the available options. With a little research and financial flexibility, you can unlock the door to a confident, radiant smile, proving that sometimes, the most valuable things in life come with a price tag that transcends mere numbers.

Remember, your smile is an investment in yourself, and Invisalign can be the brushstroke that paints a masterpiece of confidence on your face. So, step into the journey, embrace the unique cost puzzle, and smile brightly, knowing that the reward is worth every penny (or cent)! check the prices

Does Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Good news:
Many dental insurance plans do offer partial coverage for Invisalign, similar to how they cover traditional braces.
The coverage typically involves a percentage of the total cost or a maximum dollar amount per year or lifetime.
Some plans even have specific orthodontic riders that can increase your coverage for Invisalign treatment.

But there are also caveats:

Not all plans cover Invisalign. Basic plans often exclude orthodontic treatments.
Even under plans with coverage, you might still be responsible for a significant portion of the cost (copay, coinsurance, deductible).
Some insurers consider Invisalign cosmetic rather than medically necessary, which can limit or exclude coverage.
Treatment with non-orthodontist-provided aligners might not be covered.

So, what can you do?

Check your policy details:
Dig into your insurance plan documents or contact your provider directly to understand your specific orthodontic coverage details.
Talk to your orthodontist: Discuss your insurance situation with your orthodontist. They can help you estimate the out-of-pocket cost after insurance and explore alternative options if needed.
Compare plans: If considering a new plan, prioritize ones with good orthodontic coverage, especially if Invisalign is your desired treatment.

Remember, Invisalign can be a valuable investment in your smile, but understanding your insurance coverage is crucial. Don't hesitate to ask questions and explore options to make this transformative journey accessible and rewarding!

Will wearing the aligners affect my speech?

Let's be honest, wearing any new thing in your mouth takes some getting used to. Think of it like welcoming a quirky houseguest who likes to play with your tongue. Invisalign is no different. In the beginning, you might experience:

A slight lisp: Those unfamiliar plastic walls can throw your usual "s" and "th" sounds off kilter. Imagine your tongue doing a confused jig as it tries to navigate the new terrain.

Mumbling: Enunciation might take a temporary hit. Words might become muffled, like you're speaking through a mouthful of marshmallows (though hopefully less sticky!).

Aftercare for your Invisalign treatment

1. Embrace the Retainers: Just like you wouldn't skip the final chapter of a good book, don't skip the retainers! Think of them as the guardians of your new smile, gently keeping your teeth in their rightful positions. Your dentist will recommend the type of retainer best suited for your individual needs, whether it's a fixed or removable option. Wear them religiously as instructed, and say hello to a lifetime of happy teeth!

2. Brushing and Flossing: Level Up Your Routine: Invisalign might have made cleaning your teeth a breeze, but post-treatment calls for an even more dedicated approach. Brushing twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing once a day becomes your mantra. This ensures plaque and tartar don't take advantage of your newly straightened teeth, keeping cavities at bay and your smile sparkling.

3. Food & Beverage Matters: Remember those hard candies and sticky treats you avoided during treatment? Well, moderation is key now! While you can indulge occasionally, be mindful of foods that can stain your teeth or damage your retainers. Stick to a balanced diet, drink plenty of water, and choose stain-free beverages for a smile that keeps shining.

4. Regular Dental Check-ups: Maintain the Magic:Just because your Invisalign journey is over, doesn't mean your dentist is out of the picture. Schedule regular check-ups to have your teeth and retainers examined. These visits allow your dentist to monitor your progress, adjust your retainer regimen if needed, and address any potential issues before they arise. Think of it as preventative maintenance for your pearly whites!


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How is Invisalign different?

How is Invisalign different?

In a world dominated by the clangs and gleam of traditional braces, it glides in, cloaked in invisibility, promising comfort, convenience, and discreet transformation. But beneath its veil lies a universe of differences, a tapestry woven with distinct threads that set it apart from its metallic counterpart. So, dear adventurer, prepare to embark on a deep dive into the unique world of Invisalign, where we'll unveil its secrets and illuminate its true essence.

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What are different types Invisalign treatments? Do they help?

What are different types Invisalign treatments? Do they help?

Invisalign, the enigmatic force revolutionizing smiles! But beneath its cloak of invisibility lies a hidden realm, a kingdom of treatment options as varied as the smiles it sculpts. Fear not, brave seeker, for I come bearing a guide, woven with clarity and a dash of whimsy, to illuminate the different types of Invisalign treatments awaiting your exploration!

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Why Invisalign is good for you?

Why Invisalign is good for you?

Invisalign's superpower lies in its stealthy nature. Those clear, custom-crafted trays cloak your smile in a veil of secrecy, leaving the world none the wiser about your orthodontic adventure. Think of it as wearing a magic charm that reshapes your teeth while letting your natural smile shine through.

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At Clarendons, we make exceptional dentistry affordable for everyone. Our fees represent our values as an organisation, where we aim to provide honest, reliable service at fair and honest prices.

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Adult Examination (including x-rays)
Child Examination (under 16)
Child Examination with Paediatric Specialist
Cosmetic Consultation
Orthodontic Assessment
Root Canal Consultation


Dental Implant Consultation
Implants range from
£2600 per tooth


Composite fillings range from
£125.00 per surface
Root canal treatments from
£700.00 per tooth


Oral Surgery Consultation
Difficult extractions and wisdom teeth removals from
£200.00 per tooth


Invisalign Lite from
Invisalign Moderate from
Invisalign Comprehensive
Fixed metal braces from
Fixed ceramic braces from


Direct Access Scale and Polish
Airflow Stain removal


CBCT scanning
Teeth whitening from
Emergency appointments
IV Sedation from
£200.00 per session
RA (Inhalation sedation) Children only from
Root Canal Consultation